Your AI-powered voicemail assistant that listens, summarizes, and prioritizes your calls—so you never waste time again.
Your calls, summarized
Call from John Smith (2:34)
Summary: John wants to reschedule tomorrow's meeting to 3 PM due to a conflict. Needs confirmation by EOD.
Call from Sarah Johnson (1:15)
Summary: Sarah confirmed the project deliverables are on track. No action required.
We're revolutionizing how professionals handle communication with thoughtful AI-powered solutions
Voicemails turned into bite-sized, actionable insights so you can process information faster.
Voicemails turned into bite-sized, actionable insights so you can process information faster.
Know what's urgent without listening to everything. Focus on what matters most.
Know what's urgent without listening to everything. Focus on what matters most.
Connect with Slack, Email, CRM, and more for a unified communication experience.
Connect with Slack, Email, CRM, and more for a unified communication experience.
Customers leave a message, and you get the full context instantly without the wait.
Customers leave a message, and you get the full context instantly without the wait.
save up to 85% of time previously spent on voicemails
Our AI delivers 99% accurate summaries of your voicemail content
Vernon works around the clock, ensuring you never miss important information
See how Vernon AI Solutions revolutionizes your daily workflow and eliminates voicemail stress forever.
Get the gist of any message in seconds, not minutes
Messages categorized by urgency, topic, and required action
Vernon remembers past interactions to provide better insights
The traditional voicemail experience
Listening to every voicemail in full, often multiple times to catch details
No way to prioritize or categorize messages without listening to them first
Voicemails exist separately from your other communication tools
Backlog of unheard messages creates anxiety and missed opportunities
Traditional Voicemail System
Voicemail Inbox
12 unheard messages
Unknown Caller (3:42)
2 days agoNo transcription available. Listen to hear message.
Unknown Caller (2:15)
3 days agoNo transcription available. Listen to hear message.
Unknown Caller (1:37)
5 days agoNo transcription available. Listen to hear message.
9 more unheard messages
Experience how Vernon transforms voicemails into actionable insights
Vernon AI Assistant
New Voicemail from John Smith
2:34 minAI Summary:
John wants to reschedule tomorrow's meeting to 3 PM due to a conflict. Needs confirmation by EOD.
Key Points:
New Voicemail from Sarah Johnson
1:15 minAI Summary:
Sarah confirmed the project deliverables are on track. No action required.
Sentiment Analysis:
Join our exclusive early access program and transform how you handle communication. Early adopters receive lifetime premium benefits.
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Early adopters receive priority onboarding and premium features
Experience the revolution in voicemail management
Have questions or need more information? Our team is here to help.
Have questions about Vernon AI? We're here to help. Fill out the form and our team will get back to you shortly.
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67 Seagate
Dundee DD1 2EH
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